Kenya is very rich in its diversity of wildlife, game reserves and sceneries. If you are planning a trip to Kenya then graciously put a safari tour or two in your to do list. Your experience will be very memorable since Kenya offers a wide range of the best safari options that will take care of all adventures and curiosity.

Pega Tours exists to guide you through the best Kenyan tours and safaris to consider for your next visit. Take a look at these five exceptional safaris to enhance your experience while touring the country.

Masai Mara Game Reserve

Almost more than 90 animal species and nearly 500 bird species are found here. It is one of the richest wildlife homes in Kenya’s tours and safaris destinations with a large population of animals. The Masai Mara Game Reserve boasts as the home to the popularly known The Big 5 animals which you can commonly spot upon visiting.

Get a chance to witness one of the wonders of the world of a spectacular 1.5million wildebeest migration to the reserve from Serengeti National Park every year between July to November. The landscape has grassy plains and rolling hills. The Mara and Talek rivers also traverse the area and villages of the Masai people also known as “Enkangs” encompass it, giving you a chance to experience the lifestyle of one of the most well maintained cultures in the world.

Tsavo East and West National Parks

Tsavo is Kenya’s largest national park covering about four percent of the country’s land mass. The park is sub divided into Tsavo East and Tsavo West. It is also among the world’s largest national parks and would make a  in your best safari in Kenya itinerary during your trip to Kenya.

The two parks are separated by the Mombasa- Nairobi railways and highway. The west side has wooded grasslands and rocky landscapes while the east side has savannah with different kinds of wildlife to look at and semi arid grasslands. Ever heard of the man-eating lions? Well, this was their habitat. Other famous species in the park include the red elephants which are found in Tsavo East National Park.

Samburu National Reserve 

This is one of the best Safari destinations in Kenya. It is a top game reserve situated on the banks of Ewaso Ng’iro river in the Northern part of the country. The river separates it from the Bufallo Springs game reserve which means you can kill two birds with one stone upon your tours and safaris visit to the reserve.

Samburu National Reserve is known for its wealth of rare species of animals such as the Somali Ostrich, Grevy zebra, and Beisa Oryx. It is also home to close to 900 elephants and over 450 documented species of birdlife. If you know the famous story of Kamunyak the well-known Lioness that adopted a baby Oryx then you surely wouldn’t want to miss it out at Samburu National Reserve because it is one of its celebrated attraction sights.

Watamu Marine National Park & Reserve

Watamu Marine Park is known as the Haven of the Green Turtle. This is because it houses sea turtles in great numbers within its beautiful green surrounding.

This beautiful park with its unique coral gardens and plentiful fish life like whales, sharks, angel fish and lion fish is a part of the magnificent aquatic and tidal environs along the Kenyan coast. During your trip to Kenya, you can enjoy activities like snorkeling, water skiing, windsurfing and glass bottomed boat tours as the white sandy beaches await you for maximum relaxation and sun bathing.

Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru national park is a beautiful wildlife haven found in the Rift Valley of Kenya. Some of the animals you can find here that make up the over fifty mammal species found therein are rhinos (both black and white), leopards, cape buffalos, impalas, water bucks, lions, zebras, gazelles, spotted hyenas, colobus monkeys among others.

The beautiful flamingos are its most striking site and the lake is famous for them. This is something you would not want to miss during your trip to Kenya. Also, if you are a birder this is your paradise as you will get to experience beautiful interactions with over 400 bird species, including the flamingos. Lake Nakuru is also home to over 1500 hippos. Since this park is fenced, seeing these animals is assured.

Book your Kenya tours and safaris with us today at Pega and explore the wealth of safaris that Kenya has to offer.


Always consider the seasons of the year while planning your trip to Kenya.